Becoming a web developer


How does the understanding of the principles of neuroplasticity benefits people?

It means that there is really not a limitation of what can be learned no mether whether it's knowledge an ability or habit. It just depends with what we occupy or train our brain. The brain creates itself. Deliberate thinking or visualising creates the same neurological paths as actually physically practicing (at least in the beginnings and to some extend). In essence what we can learn and achieve with our brain is not fixed / caped / given, it's a choice!

How can I engage with the principles of neuroplasticity for my own benefit and what are ways to increase it?

Ressources that I found useful and engaging

Growth Mindset

What it is and why it is relevant

For me a growth mindset means the power of believing that I can improve and that my abilities are not capped or predetermined. This is incredibly empowering and opens up so many possibilities. It makes success (no matter what ones definition of success is) a choice rather than a given, scares thing. It also altered my beliefes in other people and klischees / preconceptions. If I believe that someones abilities are limited / fixed I will prescribe / teach each single step in order to solve a problem. If I believe in a growth mindset I will awake the desire to achieve a certain outcome in the other person and trust that they will find their way to make it happen.

What surprised me during this exploration, what changed me?

That the schoolsystem in which I grew up with to a large extend neglects this insight. School is built for conformity but not for outstanding individual performance / learning. Knowing how to grow and learn is much more powerful then just to learn and repeat what has been prescribed. It really means that everything can be learned if I chose to. And this belief changes my life also in the fact that I have just decided to become a web developer.

How I will I integrate a growth mindset into my learning journey and learning plan?

  • Focus on the process of learning rather than the output
  • Trust in the power of myself to learn whatever is required
  • Acknowledge that learning is hard. It's like physically building those pathways. But it's not hard because "I am stupid" or "it just doesnt come natural to me". Embracing the challenge as an opportunity to grow rather than a threat to my personality.

Ressources that I found useful and engaging