Becoming a web developer


3 new things I have learnt about myself as a result of the core learning?

  • Resilience: I am much more ressourceful than I thought when it comes to overcoming obstacles
  • In many ways my mindset was fixed. Allowing to apply a growth mindset most importantly to myself opens an incredible amount of new horizons
  • Neuroplasticity means that I can design the best version of myself. There is no limitations and therefore also no excuses for the development of skills, abilities and knowledge

What are the role of values, empathy, and self awareness in learning and programming?

I think they all play a big role. Values determine for what I use the code / learning. Is it for the good or the bad? Is the outcome I pursuit inclusive or exclusive, is it accessible, is it user friendly? Empathy is important to relate with others when learning and coding. It helps to bring different perspectives, disciplines together, reduce biases and brings those mutual values to life. Without self awareness efforts may not be sustainable.

What has surprised me the most about the core learning?

I have been familiar with most of the topics from previous studies. The biggest aha moment was when I have realised how limitless the possibilities really are when it comes to personal development.

What were the most challenging aspects of the core learning?

Self reflection can be quite tiresome even more as it is such a contrast to the more cognitive challenges in the tech space.

Why do you think that EDA, a programming school, are spending so much time focusing on core learning in a web development bootcamp course?

teaching knowledge has a liniar ROI while human skills bring exponential return. It's like knowing how to work smarter has a bigger impact on productivity than working harder. Also employers look for people who enhance the culture of their teams. Knowledge can be trained. Human skills not so much.

Does the time I have spent studying core learning here feel like a waste of time? Should I have just used that time to practise programming instead?

Not at all. The Core learning leveraged the tech part. I think I have got much better through the tech part by applying core skills like meditation, self-awareness, etc. It also gave me the confidence that I can eventually not only become a great developer but also a human being that others enjoy to work with