Becoming a web developer

Emotional Intelligence

What is Emotional Intelligence (EQ)?

Emotional Intelligence could be discribed as how "street smart" somebody is. It refers to a person's ability to to perceive, control, evaluate, and express emotions. EQ is centered on abilities such as:

How is it different to IQ?

The traditional IQ could be described as how "book smart" somebody is. It focuses on a persons cognitive abilities such as:

  • visual processing
  • working memory
  • fluid and quantitative reasoning

Why is it important?

Research suggests that EQ is a much better predictor of a persons "success in life" then IQ. IQ helps to perform single, isolated tasks. Those kind of tasks are incrisingly substituted by automatisation. Todays challenges in the world require crossfunctional collaboration and strong leadership skills. Both skills are founded in emotional intelligence to establish relationships that multiply each others individual performance rather than just adding up.

For me personaly emotional intelligence means that I can:

  • perform longer as I am capable to work in a more sustainable / healthy / balanced way
  • Perform better as I am capable to work in a focussed, concentrated and mindful state
  • Perform with others as I am capable of being a teamplayer and support the tribe with my inter-personal skills