Becoming a web developer

Kia ora, welcome to my website

I have decided to become a web developer and here we are. Follow me on my journey and I am glad to share what I have learned a long the way.

Check out my blogs

Table navigation:

Date Sprint Type Blog
12.11.21 Sprint 1 Core 💙 Identity, Values and Strengths
18.11.21 Sprint 2 Core 💙 Learning plan
19.11.21 Sprint 2 Tech 💻 CSS: display inline vs inline blocks
25.11.21 Sprint 3 Tech 💻 Javascript and the DOM
26.11.21 Sprint 3 Core 💙 Emotional Intelligence
01.12.21 Sprint 4 Tech 💻 Problem Solving
02.12.21 Sprint 4 Core 💙 Growth Mindset
09.12.21 Sprint 5 Core 💙 Reflections

Tiles navigation: